May 3, 2023
Dr. Ida Zadeh (JGU Mainz): Quantum gravity from conformal field theory
April 26, 2023
Prof. Dr. Ryan Mitchell (Indiana University, USA): A field guide to the mesons
April 19, 2023
Dr. Sebastian Ellis (Geneva University, Switzerland): Axion Cavities for Radio Gravity
Feb. 8, 2023
Prof. Dr. Julien Lesgourgues (Aachen): Hubble tension and possible theoretical solutions
Feb. 1, 2023
CANCELED: Prof. Dr. Steen Hannestad (Univ. Aarhus, Denmark): Neutrino physics in the era of precision cosmology
Jan. 25, 2023
Prof. Dr. Peter von Ballmoos (IRAP, Toulouse, France): Search for anti-matter in the universe
Jan. 18, 2023
Dr. Anatael Cabrera (Paris, France): Light Detection and Imaging within Opacity using the Novel LiquidO Technique
Jan. 11, 2023
Dr. Valentina Santoro (ESS, Lund, Sweden): Ultracold neutron source and neutron oscillations searches in the HighNESS project
Dec. 14, 2022
Dr. Gaia Lanfranchi (Frascati, Italy): The search for feebly-interacting particles with the SHADOWS project at CERN
Dec. 7, 2022
Prof. Dr. Tim Cohen (CERN, Switzerland): Three Effective Field Theory Vignettes
Nov. 30, 2022
Prof. Dr. Tetyana Galatyuk (GSI Darmstadt): Unravelling the phase structure of QCD at high μB with CBM
Nov. 23, 2022
Francesca Carlin (Berlin (Please note: Event will take 2 hours)): Fostering equal opportunities in selection processes
Nov. 16, 2022
Dr. Graziano Venanzoni (Frascati, Italy): Status and prospects of the MUonE experiment
Nov. 9, 2022
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Roggero (Univ.Trento, Italy): Quantum Simulation of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
Nov. 2, 2022
Dr. Carsten Brandau (GSI Darmstadt): Towards storage ring studies of highly charged 229Th
Oct. 26, 2022
Dr. Chien-Yeah Seng (Univ. Bonn): Precision Measurement of Vud from Beta Decays
July 20, 2022
Christoph Langenbruch (RWTH Aachen): Flavour anomalies: Status and prospects
July 13, 2022
Anna Sótér (ETH Zürich, Switzerland): Precision particle physics with exotic atoms and antimatter
July 6, 2022
Claude Duhr (Univ. Bonn): From geometry to particle scattering
June 29, 2022
Helene Götschel (FU Berlin): Being valued and feeling welcome: Negotiating diversity and equity in physics
June 22, 2022
Clara Cuesta (CIEMAT Madrid, Spain): Towards an understanding of neutrinos (DUNE and MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR experiments)
June 15, 2022
Ekkehard Peik (PTB Braunschweig): Atomic and nuclear clocks for testing fundamental physics
June 8, 2022
Christian Ospelkaus (Univ. Hannover): Towards a quantum toolbox for (anti-)proton precision measurements in Penning trap
June 1, 2022
Anke Biekötter (IPPP Durham, England): Hunting for new physics in a model-independent framework
May 25, 2022
Mark Hindmarsh (Univ. Helsinki; Finland): Probing phase transitions in the early universe with gravitational waves