May 16, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Andreas Crivellin (PSI Villigen): Hints for New Physics in the Flavour Sector
May 9, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Carlo Rizzo (LNCMI, CNRS, Toulouse, France): The quantum vacuum from the point of view of non linear electrodynamics
May 2, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Kyle Wendt (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, US): Talk had to be canceled due to illness!
April 25, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
David Armstrong (College of William & Mary, USA): The Proton´s Weak Charge
April 18, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Andreas Ekström (Chalmers University of Technology, Schweden): Precision nuclear theory: advances and challenges
Feb. 7, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Peter G. Thirolf (LMU Garching): On the road towards a nuclear clock - what do we know about the 229-Thorium isomer?
Jan. 31, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Prof. M. Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna): Quantum Optomechanics: exploring mechanical motion in the quantum
Jan. 24, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Professor Mark Pearce (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm): Balloon-borne hard X-ray polarimetry with PoGO+
Jan. 17, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Angela Papa (PSI Villigen, Schweiz): Charged lepton flavour violation search with the MEG and MEGII experiment at PSI
Jan. 10, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Miha Mihovilovic (Kernphysik Mainz): The ever-changing proton radius
Jan. 1, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Kristina Giesel (University Erlangen/Nrnberg): Dy
Jan. 1, 2018
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
David Marsch (Gttingen): Numerical
Dec. 20, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Takami Thuroda (TU-Darmstadt): Core collapse supernovae as emitter of gravitational waves and neutrinos
Dec. 6, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Professor Zoltán Fodor (Universität Wuppertal): Calculation of the axion mass based on high-temperature lattice quantum chromodynamics
Nov. 22, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Sebastian Jäger (University of Sussex, England): A pretaste of new physics: Lessons and puzzles in flavour physics
Nov. 8, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. I.-M. Gregor (DESY Hamburg): The ATLAS ITk Strip Detector
Oct. 25, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Professor Marco Battaglieri (INFN Genua): BDX: light dark matter search in a Beam Dump eXperiment
Oct. 18, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Professor Raphael Flauger (University of Texas Austin): Deciphering the Beginning
Oct. 9, 2017
in Hörsaal der KPH, J.-J.-Becherweg 45
Professor Francis Halzen (University of Wisconsin-Madison): IceCube: Building a New Window on the Universe from Antarctica
July 12, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Prof. F. J. Kimball (California State University): New searches for exotic spin-dependent interactions
July 5, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Valérie Domcke (APC - Université Paris Diderot): Probing the early Universe with gravitational waves
June 28, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Igal Jaegle (University of Florida): Dark Sector Models
June 21, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Prof. Dr. Thomas Udem (MPI für Quantenoptik, Garching): Precision Spectroscopy of Atomic Hydrogen and the Proton Radius Puzzle
June 14, 2017
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Dr. Werner Maneschg (MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg): Present status of coherent neutrino nucleus scattering searches
June 8, 2017
at 2:15 p.m. c.t.
in Lorentz-Raum 05-127, Staudingerweg 7
Prof. Dr. Stephan Schiller (Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Düsseldorf): Frequency Metrology under Extreme Conditions: towards an Optical Clock in Space