Physikalisches Kolloquium
Tuesday, 4:15 p.m. in HS KPH


Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institut für Kernphysik


Daniela Reibel
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik

Fulya Mank
Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institut für Kernphysik

Date & Title
May 16, 2023
Prof. Rebecca Surman (University of Notre Dame, Indiana USA): Nuclear physics and the origins of the heaviest elements
May 9, 2023
Dr. Szymon Pustelny (University of Krakau): Zero- and ultralow nuclear magnetic resonance Novel Swiss army knife to physics, chemistry, and biology
May 2, 2023
Prof. Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck and IQOQI - Austria): Programmable Quantum Simulators and Sensors with Atoms and Ions
April 25, 2023
Dr. Gaute Hagen (Oak Ridge National Lab. Knoxville - USA): Frontiers in computations of atomic nuclei
April 18, 2023
Dr. Masaki Hori (JGU Institute for Physics): Laser spectroscopy of helium atoms containing antiprotons and pions
Feb. 7, 2023
Prof. Dr. Tom Aumann (TU Darmstadt & GSI Darmstadt): Quasi-free scattering experiments in inverse kinematics with high-energy radioactive beams - Applications to the study of short-range nucleon-nucleon correlations and multi-neutron systems
Jan. 31, 2023
Dr. Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg (PSI Switzerland): The search for a muon electric dipole moment using the frozen-spin technique
Jan. 24, 2023
Prof. Dr. Markus Klute (KIT): "The Higgs boson: I think we have it!"
Jan. 17, 2023
Prof. Georg von Freymann (TU Kaiserslautern): Topological photonics and terahertz quantum sensing
Jan. 10, 2023
Dr. Nico Döttling (Helmholzt Center for Information Security (CISPA) in Saarbrücken): Quantum Computing and Cryptography
Dec. 20, 2022
Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster (Uni Göttingen): How to be squishy and protective at the same time - the physics of biological matter
Dec. 13, 2022
Prof. Michael E. Flatté (University of Iowa): Coherent Magnonics for Quantum Information Science
Dec. 6, 2022
Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff (University of Erlangen): Ultrafast currents in graphene: approaching lightwave electronics
Nov. 29, 2022
Prof. Dr. Katrin Amann-Winkel (MPI für Polymerforschung Mainz): Water and ice under extreme conditions
Nov. 22, 2022
Prof. Dr. Erwin Frey (University of Munich): Self-organisation of proteins in cells
Nov. 15, 2022
Prof. Dr. Peter Spichtinger (JGU Institute for Atmospheric Physics): Ice clouds in the atmosphere: From particles via oscillators to structures
Nov. 8, 2022
Prof. Dr. Horst Schmidt-Böcking (University of Frankfurt): Das Stern-Gerlach Experiment – ein Meilenstein der Physikgeschichte
Oct. 25, 2022
Prof. Dr hab. Wojciech Gawlik (JU Krakow, PL): Nonlinear magneto-optics in atoms, from discovery to today
July 19, 2022
Prof. Andreas Schäfer (University of Regensburg): The physics of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC)
July 12, 2022
Elena Aprile (University of Columbia): Recent Results from the XENONnT Dark Matter Experiment
July 5, 2022
Luciano Rezzolla (University of Frankfurt): High-energy astronomical observations of black holes and neutron stars
June 28, 2022
Markus Rex (AWI Potsdam): The expedition to the Arctic 2019/2020
June 21, 2022
Dirk Uwe Sauer (RWTH of Aachen): "Aktueller Stand der Batterieforschung und die Rolle von Batteriespeichern in mobilen und stationären Anwendungen im zukünftigen Energiesystem."
June 14, 2022
Andrea Vinante (University of Trento): Levitated ferromagnetic torque sensors and applications to fundamental physics
June 7, 2022
Ramin Golestanian (MPI Göttingen): How living matter self-organizes while breaking action-reaction symmetry