Physikalisches Kolloquium

Jan. 17, 2023 at 4:15 p.m. in HS KPH

Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institut für Kernphysik

Topological photonics and terahertz quantum sensing
Prof. Georg von Freymann (TU Kaiserslautern)

Photonic quantum simulation and sensing

Georg von Freymann1,2
1Physics Department and Research Center OPTIMAS, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern Landau RPTU, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
2Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Applications of quantum technology are highly sought-after and thus supported by public funding agencies. However, the meaning of application varies depending on who you talk to: In the physics community application often means a useful laboratory implementation, while from an industrial perspective, application means solving a measurement problem in production or even creating a saleable product.
To address the physics perspective, I will discuss 3D µ-printed photonic quantum simulators based on coupled waveguide system, focusing on topological protection and Floquet (time-periodic) driving. Such experimental model systems allow for studying these phenomena under very well controlled conditions. Examples are periodic driving of topologically protected edge modes in the one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger-chain leading to depopulation of the edge mode despite topological protection [1], periodic driving of two-dimensional honey-comb-lattices establishes topological protection in an otherwise topologically trivial model system [2], switching of topological protection via excitation with and without orbital angular momentum of light [3], and establishing higher-order topological insulators using p-orbitals of the waveguides [4].
From the industry perspective I discuss recent results for terahertz quantum-sensing with undetected photons [5] allowing to measure terahertz spectral properties with visible light only, enabling both single-shot layer thickness measurements as well as spectroscopy.

[1] Z. Cherpakova, C. Jörg, et al., Limits of topological protection under local periodic driving, Light: Science&Applications 8, 63 (2019).
[2] C. Jörg, et al., Dynamic defects in photonic Floquet topological insulators, New J. Phys. 19, 083003 (2017).
[3] C. Jörg, et al., Artificial gauge field switching using orbital angular momentum modes in optical waveguides, Light: Science&Applications 9, 150 (2020).
[4] J. Schulz, J. Noh, et al., Photonic quadrupole topological insulator using orbital-induced synthetic flux, Nature Communications 13, 6597 (2022)
[5] M. Kutas et al, Terahertz Quantum Sensing, Science Advances 6, eaaz8065 (2020)