Seminar über Theorie der kondensierten Materie / TRR146 Seminar
Thursday, 2:30 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7


F. Schmid

P. Virnau

L. Stelzl


Lukas Stelzl

Date & Title
May 6, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Andrzej Patrykiejew (University of Lublin): The wetting of attractive walls by associating binary mixtures
April 9, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Leonid Yelash (Universität Köln): Development of a simple theoretical equation of state for chain molecules and investigation of phase behaviour of polymer solutions and blends
April 8, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Anna Cavallo (Universität Mainz): Green's functions techniques in statistical physics and their application to the classical Heisenberg ferromagnet with long--range interactions
March 18, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Dr. Martin Müser (University of Western Ontario, London, Canada): Quantum creep and quantum creep transitions in 1-dimensional sine-Gordan chains
Feb. 18, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Hsiao-Ping Hsu (FZ Jülich): Stretched and Confined Polymers in a Poor Solvent
Feb. 11, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dipl. Phys. Michael Ricker (Institut für Physik): Static properties of axially symmetric particles on a cubic lattice
Jan. 30, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum
Prof. Dr. David Andelman (Tel Aviv University, Israel): Block copolymer films: effects of surfaces and electric fields
Jan. 28, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Tanja Schilling (FOM Amolf, Amsterdam): Nucleation in Hard Rods
Jan. 21, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Mihail N. Popescu (MPI für Metallforschung, Stuttgart): Spreading of Liquid Monolayers on Homogeneous and Chemically Patterned Substrates - Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations and Continuum Limit
Jan. 16, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum
Dipl. Phys. Kevin Johnson (Universität Münster): Darstellungstheorie der kubischen Gruppe in der SUSY-Yang-Mills Theorie auf dem Gitter
Jan. 14, 2003 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Dr. Serge Aubry (Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, Saclay): A Non-adiabatic Theory for Ultrafast and Catalytic Transfer of Electrons at low temperature
Dec. 17, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dipl. Phys. Hans Knoth (Universität Mainz): The mixed alkali effect in sodium silicates: Computer simulation studies
Dec. 3, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dipl. Chem. Hendrik Heinz (ETH Zürich): Partial Charges in Polar Solids
Nov. 28, 2002 at 1 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum (05-119)
Dr. Kirill Katsov (University of Washington, Seattle): Bilayer membrane fusion: insights from simulation and theory
Nov. 26, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
PD Dr. Gregor Diezemann (Institut fuer physikalische Chemie, Universitaet Mainz): Dynamische Heterogenitäten in einfachen sphärischen Spin-Modellen
Nov. 19, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Magali Benoit (Laboratoire des Verres, University of Montpellier): Structural and vibrational properties of silicate glasses from ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations
Nov. 13, 2002 at 12:45 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum
Dr. G. Döge (TU Freiberg): Simulation of Grand Canonical Hard-Disk Systems by Simulated Tempering
Nov. 12, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Apratim Chatterji (Institut fuer Physik, Uni Mainz): Semiflexible Equilibrium Polymers: A Self Assembling Molecular Model
Nov. 5, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Dr. D. Dantchev (University of Sofia, Bulgarien): Modified finite-size scaling for systems with van der Waals type interaction
Oct. 29, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. G. Döge (TU Freiberg): Simulation of Grand Canonical Hard-Disk Systems by Simulated Tempering
Oct. 22, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Gernot-Graeff-Raum (05-431)
Dr. Surajit Sengupta (S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, Indien): Growing smooth interfaces with inhomogeneous, moving external fields: dynamical transitions, devil's staircases and self-assembled ripples
Oct. 16, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dipl. Phys. Daniel Herzbach (Institut fuer Physik): MD simulations of crystalline silica with a fluctuating-charge potential
Sept. 27, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Dr. T. Dotera (Saitama Study Center, The University of the Air, Saitama, Japan): Monte Carlo simulation of complex block copolymers
Sept. 25, 2002 at 4 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Prof. Dr. B. A. Berg (Florida State University): Importance Sampling for Rugged Dynamical Variables
Sept. 16, 2002 at 1:15 p.m. in Newton-Raum (01-122, Bau 2.413)
Dr. Anand Yethiraj (The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada): Controlling Colloidal Crystallization in low-g. A New Colloidal Model System with an Interaction Tunable between Hard, Soft and Dipolar.