PRISMA+ Colloquium
July 3, 2013 at 1 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum 05-119, Staudingerweg 7Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth
Institut für Physik, THEP
The IsoDAR (Isotope Decay-At-Rest) experiment is part of a plan for a CP-violation experiment (DAEdALUS), complementary to planed long baseline experiments.
IsoDAR is designed to produce \(2.6 \times 10^{22}\) electron antineutrinos per year with an average energy of 6.4 MeV, using isotope decay-at-rest. I will introduce this novel idea of an neutrino experiment aiming to give > 5 sigma answers w.r.t. 3+1 and 3+2 models.
A compact, efficient and cost effective high intensity Cyclotron design plays an important role in this scientific endeavor. I will review the current state-of-the-art modeling effort and the challenges ahead