PRISMA+ Colloquium

June 20, 2012 at 1 p.m. in Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudinger Weg

Prof. Dr. Tobias Hurth
Institut für Physik, THEP

News from the Neutrino Front
Dr. Alfons Weber (University of Oxford & STFC, England)

Neutrinos have long been known to exhibit strange behaviour. Experiments with solar and atmospheric neutrinos indicated that neutrinos change flavour, a process that is only possible, if they have mass. This is in contradiction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which only contain left-handed massless neutrinos.

Many experiments have since studied this phenomenon, which can be well described by the formalism of neutrino oscillations, in which mass- and interaction- eigenstates are not identical resulting in flavour transitions similar to those of the neutral Kaon system.

The parameters of these neutrino oscillations have since been measured by a variety of experiments over baselines from several hundred meters to millions of kilometres. The seminar will report on the latest result from studying neutrino oscillations with a particular focus on the accelerator based long-baseline experiments MINOS and T2K.