Seminar über Quanten-, Atom- und Neutronenphysik (QUANTUM)
Jan. 19, 2006 at 5 p.m. c.t. in Lorentz-RaumProf. Dr. Peter van Loock
Institut für Physik
Dr. Lars von der Wense
Institut für Physik
Modern methods of production and separation of exotic nuclear beams are outlined. Key experiments performed with the present projectile fragment separator FRS and the combination with the storage-cooler ring ESR are presented.
Although the present facilities have contributed much to the progress in the field of nuclear physics, major new fields will be open up by the next-generation NUSTAR facilities. The intensity of rare isotopes can be increased by four orders of magnitude with the planned accelerator facilities at FAIR. The challenges in physics, instrumentation and technical developments will also be covered.