Seminar über die Physik der kondensierten Materie (SFB/TRR173 Spin+X und SFB/TR288 Kolloquium, TopDyn-Seminar)
July 22, 2024 at 4 p.m. in 01 122 Newton-RaumUniv-Prof. Dr. Jure Demsar
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Palberg
Ever wondered how influential journals select content for publication and how peer review works? In this talk, I will discuss the editorial process at these journals, which typically rely on professional editors, focusing in particular on the Cell Press portoflio and introducing Newton, our new flagship physics journal. I will also share my views on current trends in scientific publishing, and provide tips on how to maximise the fit of your manuscript for high-impact journals and on how to deliver an appropriate reviewer report if you are invited to review a manuscript.