RHIND seminar on Mathematical Physics and String Theory

Dec. 12, 2022 at 4 p.m. c.t. only via Zoom

Ilka Brunner (LMU München)
Nils Carqueville (Universität Wien)
Hans Jockers (JGU Mainz)
Peter Mayr (LMU München)
Simone Noja (Universität Heidelberg)
Ivo Sachs (LMU München)
Johannes Walcher (Universität Heidelberg)

Joint seminar series on Mathematical Physics and String Theory

Heterotic Strings on T3/Z2, Nikulin involutions and M-theory
Ida Zadeh (JGU Mainz)

I will discuss compactification of the heterotic string on the smooth, flat 3-manifold T3/Z2, without supersymmetry. The low energy dynamics of the corresponding ten dimensional heterotic supergravity will be described. The semi-classical theory has both Coulomb and Higgs branches of non-supersymmetric vacua. An exact worldsheet description of the compactification will then be presented using the framework of asymmetric orbifolds of T3, where the orbifold generator involves a Nikulin non-symplectic involution of the even self-dual lattice of signature (19,3). This construction gives a novel conformal field theory description of the semi-classical field theory moduli space and reveals a rich pattern of transitions amongst Higgs and Coulomb branches.