
June 9, 2020 at 3 p.m. only via Zoom

Upalaparna Banerjee

Marco Fedele

Yann Gouttenoire

Antonela Matijasic

Baryogenesis, Higgs rates and EDMs with complex Yukawas
Elina Fuchs (Chicago U. & Fermilab)

Complex Yukawa couplings of the Higgs boson have interesting implications for Higgs production and decay rates, EDMs and CP violation for electroweak baryogenesis. I will present if there are viable regions fulfilling all of these three complementary constraints, for real and imaginary dimension-six terms of the tau, muon, top and bottom. After considering each flavor separately, I will show that combinations of several sources allow for cancellations in the EDM and an enhancement of the baryon asymmetry.