Physikalisches Kolloquium

June 16, 2020 at 4:15 p.m. only via Recording of the presentation

Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institut für Kernphysik

Future Perspectives of Accelerator-based Particle Physics
Joachim Mnich (DESY)

Over the last years, intense discussions on the international level have started on the future perspectives of particle physics after the LHC era. In Europe, CERN Council has initiated an update of the European Strategy, supposed to conclude in spring 2020. This schedule might slip because of the current Covid-19 pandemic, but some possible directions for the field have been identified in the community discussions. These include plans for Higgs factories to study this very peculiar particle to highest precision as well as ideas for future hadron colliders with a significantly higher energy reach than the LHC.

All of these projects will require large resources and can only be realized through global collaboration. It is therefore important to formulate a global strategy for particle physics, including for instance the USA in which the community discussions (Snowmass process) are starting now – with results expected in about a year. The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA), which includes members from all world, regions will provide a forum for discussions towards a global strategy.

The talk will summarize the status of these discussions and try to provide an outlook into the future.