Physikalisches Kolloquium

June 26, 2018 at 4 p.m. c.t. in HS KPH

Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig
Institut für Kernphysik

New Insights in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics from Long-Term Monitoring of the Global Atmosphere by Instrumented Passenger Aircraft
Andreas Petzold (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

The European Research Infrastructure IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System; and its predecessor programme MOZAIC perform long-term routine in-situ observations of atmospheric chemical composition, water vapour, aerosols, clouds and temperature on a global scale by operating compact instruments on board of passenger aircraft, starting in 1994. The unique character of the IAGOS data set originates from the global-scale sampling with similar instrumentation such that the observations are truly comparable and well suited for atmospheric research on a statistical basis. Emerging data records cover more than 20 years for ozone and water vapour, whereas ice cloud particle data are available since 2011. The talk will focus on the new findings on ozone, water vapour and cirrus clouds.