
Oct. 18, 2016 at 2:30 p.m. in Lorentz room

Upalaparna Banerjee

Marco Fedele

Yann Gouttenoire

Antonela Matijasic

Impact of a eV scale sterile neutrino in Long Baseline Experiments
Sabya Chatterjee (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)

In this talk, I will basically discuss the impact of one eV scale sterile neutrino on the long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments taking T2K, NO\(\nu\)A and DUNE as a case study. I will start with a brief intruduction to some experimentally observed neutrino anomalies and then I will intruduce an eV scale sterile neutrino with some theoretical framework, as a possible solution to resolve those anomalies. For realistic benchmark values of the mass-mixing parameters taken from global fits of oscillation data, we find that the performance of all these experiments in claiming the discovery of the CP-violation(CPV) induced by the standard CP-phase \(\delta_{13}\equiv \delta\) and the neutrino mass hierarchy (MH) gets deteriorated. However DUNE has a good opportunity to probe the CPV induced by the new CP phases \(\delta_{14}\) and \(\delta_{34}\) in contrast to T2K and NO\(\nu\)A where the sensitivity is less. We also estimate the capability of reconstructing the true values of two CP-phases \(\delta_{13}\) and \(\delta_{14}\) in combined analysis of T2K and NO\(\nu\)A and then DUNE alone. The typical 1\(\sigma\) level uncertainties on these reconstructed phases are approximately \(40^0\) for \(\delta_{13}\) and \(50^0\) for \(\delta_{14}\) in case of T2K and NO\(\nu\)A, where as for DUNE it is \(\sim 20^0(30^0)\) for \(\delta_{13} (\delta_{14})\) if \(\theta_{34}\) = 0.
However the reconstruction of \(\delta_{14}\) (but not that of \(\delta_{13}\)) appreciably degrades if \(\theta_{34}\) is large. Finally, I will show the new ambiguity in resolving the octant of \(\theta_{23}\) in presence of sterile neutrino.