Feb. 10, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. in MITP Seminar Raum, Staudinger Weg 9, 02-430Upalaparna Banerjee
Federico Gasparotto
Pouria Mazloumi
Yong Xu
In the motivated hypothesis that the Higgs bosons of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) be the lightest new particles around, we outline a possible overall strategy to search for signs of the extra CP-even states.
In a generic NMSSM which minimises the fine-tuning of the electroweak scale, we show how the measurements of the couplings of the 126 GeV Higgs boson constrain the region of the physical parameters.
Then, after determining the cross section for the production of the CP-even scalars and their most relevant branching ratios, we analyse the current bounds and the foreseen reaches of direct searches for these states at the LHC.