
June 18, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEP

Upalaparna Banerjee

Marco Fedele

Yann Gouttenoire

Antonela Matijasic

Automation of one loop calculations with GoSam
Nicolas Greiner (Max Planck Institut für Physik, München)

Reliable predictions for processes relevant at the LHC requires at least the calculation of next-to-leading order QCD corrections. For multi-particle final states this is a highly non-trivial task. Automating such calculations drastically simplifies these computations.
In this talk I will give an introduction to GoSam, a public package that can be used for automated generation of one-loop amplitudes. Besides the description of the package I will explain how it can be applied to relevant processes and present some results.