
April 24, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEP

Upalaparna Banerjee

Marco Fedele

Yann Gouttenoire

Antonela Matijasic

Extended Higgs Sector at the LHC
Dr. José Zurita (Universität Zürich)

In this talk I will describe the LHC phenomenology of two non-standard Model Higgs sectors: the BMSSM and the Higgs portal.
The BMMSM consists in extending the MSSM Higgs sector by higher-dimension operators.Such an effective field theory (EFT) approach, allows for a model-independent description that may correspond to the combined effects of additional supersymmetric sectors, such as heavy singlets, triplets or gauge bosons, in which the supersymmetry breaking mass splittings can be treated as a perturbation. Here I consider the 2011 LHC dataset, to set exclusion limits on a large class of BMSSM model, and present projections for integrated luminosities of 5 and 15 fb−1, assuming that the ATLAS and CMS collaborations will combine their results in each channel. This study shows that the majority of the parameter space will be probed at the 2σ level with 15 fb−1 of data. A non-observation of a Higgs boson with about 10 fb−1 of data will point towards a Higgs SUSY spectrum with intermediate tan β ( ≈ a few to 10) and a light SM-like Higgs with somewhat enhanced couplings to bottom and tau pairs.
The Higgs portal model consists of an extra U(1) gauge symmetry, under which the SM fields are singlets. The new massive gauge boson (Z') gets mass via its own (dark) Higgs particle. The "dark" world talks to the SM via an h^2 H^2 operator (The Z-Z' mixing is strongly constrained from experiment). Here I will also discuss the detectability prospects at the LHC using the 2011 dataset, and the future reach of LHC on the parameter space of this model.