Dec. 6, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEPUpalaparna Banerjee
Marco Fedele
Yann Gouttenoire
Antonela Matijasic
One of the attractive features of supersymmetric models is their prediction of an (at least approximately) stable dark matter candidate. The WMAP and Planck satellites impose stringent constraints on the dark matter relic density and thus on the viable supersymmetric parameter space. At the same time, observations of a positron excess from the galactic center and of an annual modulation of single-hit scintillation events from Pamela, ATIC, Fermi and Dama-Libra have triggered speculations about indirect and direct evidence for dark matter. In this talk, we focus on recent advances in precision predictions for dark matter annihilation processes in minimal supersymmetric models and discuss the implications of their non-minimal extensions for present and future dark matter signals.