Nov. 15, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEPUpalaparna Banerjee
Marco Fedele
Yann Gouttenoire
Antonela Matijasic
The dominant production processes of supersymmetric particles at the LHC are those involving production of a pair of coloured particles, i.e.
squarks and gluinos. In this talk I will discuss the effects of soft gluon emission on the pair-production of squarks and gluinos in hadronic collisions. The soft gluon effects provide a major contribution to higher order QCD corrections and can be treated systematically to all orders by means of resummation techniques. I will report on the calculation of the threshold-resummed total cross sections for all squark and gluino pair-production processes in hadronic collisions. The predictions for these cross sections at the LHC with 7 TeV collision energy will be presented.