May 17, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEPUpalaparna Banerjee
Marco Fedele
Yann Gouttenoire
Antonela Matijasic
Flavor-changing neutral currents like the weak B meson decay B -> X_s gamma are very important processes for the investigation of New Physics (NP) as they do not occur on tree-level in the Standard Model (SM). In recent years, one achieved an enhanced accuracy in measurements of these processes at the B factories so that it is worth considering them in NP models. Concerning the mentioned B meson decay, people are interested in the Wilson coefficient C_{7gamma}, since this coefficient is relevant for all associated observables.
One possibility for NP is the Randall-Sundrum model (RS) characterized by a five-dimensional space-time where the compact extra dimension is warped. This leads to an infinite number of massive so-called Kaluza-Klein excitations of all SM particles. Furthermore, all massive gauge bosons have flavor-violating couplings to fermions, so that the contributions of the RS model to C_{7gamma} are expected to be significant.
In my talk I will present the calculation of C_{7gamma} in the Randall-Sundrum model and its effects on observables such as the branching ratio, the CP asymmetry and the photon polarization ratio.