
Nov. 9, 2010 at 1 p.m. in Sozialraum der WA THEP

Upalaparna Banerjee

Marco Fedele

Yann Gouttenoire

Antonela Matijasic

Recent results in diboson+jet phenomenology
Christoph Englert (Universität Heidelberg)

At hadron colliders such as the CERN Large Hadron Collider, electroweak boson production in association with jets represents important signal processes as well as backgrounds to future searches beyond the Standard Model. In particular, the processes phenomenology allows to develop a better understanding of the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking by observing deviations of electroweak couplings from their standard model expectation, or new propagating degrees of freedom.
A theoretically deeper understanding of electroweak physics might however be obscured by unknown higher-order QCD effects, which are known to turn out sizable.
Therefore, reliable simulations of signal and background processes require at least next-to-leading order QCD precision of cross sections and differential distributions to be taken into account when analyzing experimental data. After having reviewed the details of NLO QCD computations in a fully-flexible Monte Carlo framework, I discuss recent results in diboson+jet precision phenomenology in this talk.