Physikalisches Kolloquium
Dec. 15, 2009 at 5 p.m. c.t. in Hörsaal des Instituts für Kernphysik, Becherweg 45Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid
Institut für Physik
Prof. Dr. Concettina Sfienti
Institut für Kernphysik
In this talk, I will discuss the physics that can be learned from one of the most elementary scattering processes: that of one electron scattering off another. Both theoretically and experimentally, relativistic electron-electron scattering, also known as Moller scattering, has played an important role in our understanding of electromagnetic and weak interactions. After a historical introduction and discussion of early results, I will describe the E158 experiment at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, which measured parity violation in Moller scattering for the first time. I will conclude by motivating the tremendous opportunity to significantly improve on the accuracy of the E158 measurement that becomes possible after the 12 GeV upgrade at Jefferson Laboratory.