Seminar über Quanten-, Atom- und Neutronenphysik (QUANTUM)
July 2, 2009 at 5 p.m. c.t. in Lorentz-RaumProf. Dr. Peter van Loock
Institut für Physik
Dr. Lars von der Wense
Institut für Physik
The talk will review a few recent developments in ultracold quantum gases. Solitons are quasi-particles and can occur in nonlinear systems, like coherent matter in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Oscillations of dark solitons in a BEC as well as their interactions and the physics of two-component solitons will be discussed.
So called spinor-BEC allow the study of magnetism in quantum gases. In this talk the spontaneous formation of regular spin waves, their creation and damping will also be presented.