Seminar über die Physik der kondensierten Materie (SFB/TRR173 Spin+X und SFB/TR288 Kolloquium, TopDyn-Seminar)

Jan. 14, 2008 at 10 a.m. c.t. in Medienraum des Instituts für Physik (03-431)

Univ-Prof. Dr. Jure Demsar
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Elmers
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Mathias Kläui
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Palberg

"Dipolar quantum fluids and micro-mechanics with ultracold atoms"
Prof. Dan Stamper-Kurn (Berkely University, CA, USA)

I will present results from two separate experimental efforts in my group. First, I will present evidence for the importance of magnetic dipole interactions in the evolution of a degenerate spinor Bose gas of 87-Rb, and for an unforeseen crystalline phase of this gas. Second, I will describe the collective motion of ultracold atoms in a high-finesse optical cavity as a manifestation of quantum micro-mechanics, analogous to the motion of microfabricated mechanical resonators. Within this context, I will present the first observation of mechanical backaction on a macroscopic object at levels consistent with quantum metrology limits.